A Balanced Bloom Blog


Weight Loss, Nutrition Lauren Cobern Weight Loss, Nutrition Lauren Cobern

How to Plan Your Week with Minimal Kitchen Time

Today we are busting the myth that eating healthy takes HOURS in the kitchen.

It absolutely takes planning, but with the right planning your kitchen time can be minimized all while achieving your goals. While yes, it requires you to eat more at home than you would out there are so many ways to SAVE time in the kitchen which is exactly what we are doing to talk about today. So let's break down the top ways to time in the kitchen and stay aligned with your goals….

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Weight Loss, Wellness Lauren Cobern Weight Loss, Wellness Lauren Cobern

How To Thrive As You Age

Today we are going to talk about the elephant in the room (AGING!). No one wants to talk about it and most of us are in a state of denial that it is happening (myself included), but our bodies naturally change as we get older so we need to know how we can work with and against these changes to still live our best, healthiest lives. SO this is one to read until the very end as it is going to be super tactical!

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Wellness Lauren Cobern Wellness Lauren Cobern

Common Food Misconceptions That Stalled My Progress

Healthy eating has different definitions for everyone. Some think healthy eating means eating no sugar, some think it means eating only salads, some think it means eating grilled chicken and broccoli all day everyday. Some even think it means eating nothing at all. All of these couldn’t be further from the truth.

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Weight Loss Lauren Cobern Weight Loss Lauren Cobern

Calorie Quantity VS Calorie Quality

Let's just be real, we live in a society that has told us for years that in order to be healthy we need to just buy “their” ultra processed bars and eat less which has led to countless programs that promise weight loss results. While being aware of what you eat is so important to learning about nutrition, it is much less about the quantity and way more about the quality.

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Weight Loss Alisha Tanner Weight Loss Alisha Tanner

The Skinny on Protein

I am sure you have heard over and over that you need to eat more protein, but has anyone ever truly explained to you why it is important and all the benefits you get from prioritizing it!?

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