How Today Affects Tomorrow

What you Chose to Do Today will Drastically Impact the You that Shows Up Tomorrow

Have you ever considered that the things you chose to do or not do in a day play a big role in the person you are becoming? 

We aren’t talking about massive action steps here. We are talking about small, consistent changes that add up over time. 

We are talking about small changes that are easy to talk yourself out of doing because you think it won’t necessarily matter. Well I am here to tell you that it does. 

Doing that small thing everyday, CONSISTENTLY will yield BIG results. 

Only doing that small thing when you feel like will make the person you want to become that much further away. 

There are absolutely things in our path that can deter our destinies that are out of our control, but our daily actions make the greatest impact on who we become. 

So what do you need to be doing everyday to get you closer to your dreams? 

Make small daily changes (it doesn’t have to take long or be a labor intensive task, just do it EVERYDAY!). If you need a better way to incorporate it into your day then take something you do everyday (such as brushing your teeth, making coffee, eating dinner, etc) and commit to doing it after you finish one of these things. An example would be after I brush my teeth, I am going to spend 10 minutes writing down everything that I am grateful for today. This is known as Habit Stacking from the book Atomic Habits and is a great way to drive yourself to take action by coupling it with something you already do everyday. 

Stay Consistent (even when you don’t want to!). Let's be honest, we all do things especially as moms that we don’t necessarily want to do, but we have to. Treat this as you would anything else but do it for the person that you are working towards. Take the time you spend daily scrolling social media or watching television to do something for you that betters yourself. Your future self will thank you. 

Show up even when no one is watching. Do not do it for recognition, do it because you made a commitment to yourself. In this social media age we live in, we like to compare ourselves with the highlight reel of others and it can lead to a dark place (newsflash: most of them probably started exactly in your shoes!). The journey of getting to the place you want to be is the testimony that you will get to share with others who struggle with the same. Embrace it and enjoy it. 

Say no to anything that stands in your way of the commitments you made to yourself. This is why it is so important to schedule a time to take action daily. That way when we want to do something that discourages our scheduled action we say no. Maybe you had a tough day and all you want to do is watch netflix after the kids go to bed, but that is the only time you have to do a few things to get you closer to your dream self. Make yourself a deal and say once I complete what I need to get done, I will then watch 30 minutes of netflix. Do not let current circumstances determine whether you show up or not. 

Put yourself in environments that are conducive to where you want to be. Successful people do not have really strong will power, they put themselves in environments less frequently that tempt them to bury their goals. For example, if you are wanting to eat better, but come home everyday to a kitchen that has tons of sweets and unhealthy options on the counters, you are destined to give in. Fill your pantry and fridge with easy grab and go healthy options to set yourself up for success. 

You surround yourself with people who want to grow with you. Sounds silly I know, but we all have people in our lives that do not necessarily bring out the best in us. They might be the person who always has something negative to contribute, or they are jealous when you achieve something, or they just aren’t very supportive. I know sometimes this could be family and we can’t necessarily take them out of our lives, but we can distance ourselves or just choose to let them know that there is no room for their negativity when they are around us. We don’t need these people in our lives. Focus your time and energy on the people who want to see you succeed and grow and are more successful than you (that's a great push!). 

Stop wasting time not taking action on your goals and dreams for yourself and your family. It is never too late to start! 

Do you really want to be in the same spot a year from now? Your best self would tell you absolutely not! 

The only thing separating you from that person is action so TAKE IT! 


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